Tuesday, November 07, 2006

pigs, piura & pressing assignments

this should be interesting, i am in an internet cafe in piura, peru and i can never find the bloody apostrophe. thank god for the expectations of academics. i will attempt to communicate with no contractions. i am falling woefully behind on my correspondance and will spend the next few days working on my assignments for 1311 and 1210. so far we have watered the orchard at altos de los mores, selected families for margie's micro lending program and begun to purchase the things they want. each family is given 200 soles, that margie raises in canada and the families apply for the loans. the requirements are: the family has their children in school with their fees up to date, the mothers come to help cook lunch (when the government sends it ), and both parents help out in the projects. we selected 10 families for loans last week. i spent this morning searching the piura and the surrounding areas for pigs. one of the women in the village named paola came with us in the truck. she bough three pigs with her money so that she can begin breeding them. she is a quasi-single mother with 3 children. i say quasi-single because her husband has another family in the village with 6 children. i chickened out and refused to ride in the back with the pigs. there were 8 in total thrashing around in bags(forgive me zoe, sophie & katie). depending on how far i get on my assignments, i will be going to buy sheep and turkeys tomorrow. they are less menacing, so i will brave riding along with them. chau - ca

Article Review Conclusions - Do Libraries Matter?

Chad, K. & Miller, P. (2005). “Do libraries matter? The rise of library 2.0”

The title, “Do libraries matter? The rise of Library 2.0”, prepares the reader to hear of a new kind of library service that addresses the question of whether libraries are still relevant. Chad and Miller authors suggest that Internet information services like Google and Amazon are poised to replace traditional libraries as the public's primary source information. They attempt to demonstrate that the implementation of Library 2.0, based on the principles of Web 2.0, is a necessary measure to some libraries from being eclipsed by web-based information services. The Library 2.0 model is consistent with Tim O’Reilly’s principles of Web 2.0, which will meet the demands of the “modern user” (Chad & Miller, 2005). Chad and Miller’s opinions are based on their work with Talis the “leading provider of products and services for public and academic libraries in the UK and Ireland (Talis).” They are major stakeholders to the adoption of Library 2.0 and believe there is “plenty of life left in the library”. However, they do not demonstrate that the library is in crisis or how Library 2.0 has been practically applied to correct one. Furthermore, the authors make assumptions about library users and their assertions are hindered by a clear bias. As a result, the article fails to establish that Library 2.0 is the best solution to replace service in the traditional library.

1 comment:

Google Images said...

sounds very cool...I was in South America this summer, but no thrashing pigs! Hmm...Why are you down there? And for how long?
Christina Hwang