Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not a rhetorical question...

This is the orchard-to-be in Alto de los Mores and some of Margie's students. Observe my red bandana. It has been part of my life for 14 years and I do my best work when I wear it. I pulled it out of retirement for my Peru trip. I think if I bring it with me to South Africa I will find the perfect adventure.

When I conspire about what I will do with my life, I try to think of the last job I had where I was really happy and proud of myself. If I find a job with similar characteristics I think I can be be very happy. So the answer is easily, cooking in a treeplanting camp in university. Treeplanting is considered an extremely difficult job and anyone who has spent a season in Kappuskasing will agree. I planted for 3 years and then became a cook. Anyone who planted will also tell you that anything other than planting is a huge reward -earned with blood.

My ideal job will include:
  1. Being dirty
  2. Tents
  3. Community
  4. Physical demands
  5. Infrastructure challenges
So this there a way to be a dirty information scientist?