Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not a rhetorical question...

This is the orchard-to-be in Alto de los Mores and some of Margie's students. Observe my red bandana. It has been part of my life for 14 years and I do my best work when I wear it. I pulled it out of retirement for my Peru trip. I think if I bring it with me to South Africa I will find the perfect adventure.

When I conspire about what I will do with my life, I try to think of the last job I had where I was really happy and proud of myself. If I find a job with similar characteristics I think I can be be very happy. So the answer is easily, cooking in a treeplanting camp in university. Treeplanting is considered an extremely difficult job and anyone who has spent a season in Kappuskasing will agree. I planted for 3 years and then became a cook. Anyone who planted will also tell you that anything other than planting is a huge reward -earned with blood.

My ideal job will include:
  1. Being dirty
  2. Tents
  3. Community
  4. Physical demands
  5. Infrastructure challenges
So this there a way to be a dirty information scientist?


Anonymous said...

Of course you can be a dirty information scientist. You can be anything you want to be! If you are getting your hands dirty (literally or metaphorically) in another place, helping to archive, build, or otherwise work with information, you're doing it. Now, living in a tent...that's just crazy! Keep posting, I keep checking in to hear and see you. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Looks like book club is a no-go due to crazy schedules so I just wanted to wish you all the best on your grand adventure to South Africa. Looking forward to many stories over good food and lots of wine. Take care.

tracer said...

hey woman .. what email addy can we reach u at??

we miss you at work!