Thursday, December 28, 2006

My dearest Sarah told me that she checks my blog nearly every day and I'm now feeling very negligent. When classes aren't in session, I've so little to confess. I suppose when I see blogs like Baghdad Burning it's hard to think that "intersession" minutia will suffice. I did attach a recent photo of my lovely lady friends (left to right) Karen, Me & Shelley. This is the balcony of the Cosmopolitan Hotel where my darling Shelley stayed during a hard core capitalist upload for BMO. She's a financial goddess afterall. We were celebrating Karen's recent engagement over Thai food and wine. I promised Sarah that I will post a picture of my Christmas tree with the pipe cleaner angel before New Years. I'm not done with Christmas, I've decided to evaluate the whole Christmas season before I answer the "how was your Christmas?" question. If I based it on 36 hours in the 'shwa, I may not reflect favourably. I have a few more objectives that I will list:

  1. Yoga class every day.
  2. Matinee movie with Gaby & Livy.
  3. Wine and a fire at Ali's.
  4. Movies with Sophie, Zoe & Jess.
  5. Dim Sum with Johnny.
  6. High Tea with Geoffrey.
  7. Paint my desk.
  8. Visit with Sarah... updates to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt that since I have chided you about blogging, I should take the time to post a comment...something I have never done before. Great photo of you and the celebrating women! Sorry we didn't connect (I even made the 'to-do list!), but that will change soon, I'm sure. In the meantime, keep updating...I like getting my "Carolanne fix"!